
Product Delivery



Mulch, Soil, Sand,
Decorative Stone,
Aggregates, & More.


Retaining Wall Block,
Patio Pavers, Flagstone,
Bagged Materials, & More.

Pick Up

Pick up service
Visit either one of our
locations and we can
load your truck or trailer.


DELIVERIES (Standard Delivery Policies): Your purchase of delivery service waives all liability from Chips Groundcover of incidental property damage but not limited to: cracking of driveway surfaces, landscape or lawn damage, or other property damage. You assume full responsibility for products unloaded in public right-of-ways (including the risk of damages or injury to others). Deliveries requested in areas other than driveways are up to the driver’s discretion. Standard delivery rates apply to unloading material in one location on driveways or other easily accessible areas. You are responsible for wrecker fees if the delivery vehicle getting stuck. Deliveries requested in more than one location/location other than driveways may be subject to additional fees. Due to unforeseen conditions (such as traffic), Chips Groundcover cannot guarantee exact delivery time.

PALLET DELIVERIES: Standard Delivery Policies apply. Rates include 15 minutes of unloading time for up to 4 pallets/ton and 5 minutes per pallet/ton after. Pallets/requested to be placed in areas other than driveways are up to the driver’s discretion. 

BOULDER / OUTCROPPING DELIVERIES: Standard Delivery Policies apply. Rates do not include installation. Rates are 15 minutes of unloading time for up to 4 pallets/tons and 5 minutes per pallet/ton after. Delivery services include unloading from the truck and setting to the desired location if accessible. Material requested in areas other than driveways is left to the discretion of the driver. We do not set steps, spinning boulders, and site prep.